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Wednesday, November 18, 2020

The Ellerslie Health and Safety Committee Welcomes new Principal


Dear Parents/Guardians,

My name is Dr. Wendy Lewis and I have now taken up the role of acting Principal of The Ellerslie School. We have learnt from the recent press releases from the Ministry of Health and Wellness that there are two students from the school who have tested positive for Covid 19. As a result, the Ministry of Education, Technological and Vocational Training has taken a precautionary step to close the school for 14 days as the Ministry of Health and Wellness continue with their contact tracing.

During this time, students will be engaged in remote learning so that they can progress with their studies without interruption. The Senior Teacher from each Year Group will therefore meet with parents and students starting tomorrow 6th October, 2020. You will be contacted accordingly. Should parents or guardians have any queries pertaining to the remote learning, please contact the school at info@ellerslieschoolbb.org.

At this time I wish to extend best wishes to the students and families affected by Covid 19, and pray for their speedy recovery.

Yours sincerely,
Dr. W. Lewis 
Principal (Ag.)

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