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Sunday, October 18, 2020

All Clear for Reopening of School on Monday, October 19, 2020

Good evening colleagues,
I am pleased to inform that the Ellerslie School is safe to reopen on Monday 19th October, 2020. 
Yesterday the Chief Medical Officer informed the Ministry of Education that contact tracing at the Ellerslie School is completed. There were no further COVID-19 cases found. There was both primary and secondary contact tracing done. 100% of the primary contact tracing has been completed. 
The school had a deep cleaning and sanitization this week. 
This evening I led a walk-through of the school plant with members of the Board of Management, principal, members of the Health and Safety Committee of the School, President of the PTA and representatives from the BSTU and BUT. All were pleased with the state of readiness. 
I am aware that this was a very stressful two weeks for all of you. I am thankful that the strict protocols that were in place at Ellerslie worked.  Keep up the good work.
The Ministry of Education will continue to be here to give you support as necessary.
Keep the faith.

Joy Adamson (Mrs)
Chief Education Officer (Ag)
Ministry of Education Technological and Vocational Training
Elsie Payne Complex
Constitution Road, St Michael
246-535-0609 (Office)
246-436-2411 (Fax)

All clear for Ellerslie School after contact tracing exercise
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It’s back to school for students of The Ellerslie School on Monday, October 19.

The good news came today following a walkthrough of the school’s compound at Black Rock, St Michael, by officials from the Ministry of Education, Technological and Vocational Training. They were accompanied by the Crisis Communication Committee comprising members of the school’s Board of Management, the school’s administration, its Health and Safety Committee and the Parent Teachers Association (PTA).

Also represented on the tour were members of the Barbados Union of Teachers and the Barbados Secondary Teachers’ Union.

Acting Chief Education Officer, Joy Adamson, speaking prior to the walkthrough, informed the representatives that on October 16, the Ministry of Education, Technological and Vocational Training received a letter from the Chief Medical Officer, Dr Kenneth George, indicating that the contact tracing at The Ellerslie School was completed.

She noted there were no further COVID-19 cases found; there was both primary and secondary contact tracing and the Ministry of Health and Wellness was satisfied to report that the primary contact tracing was 100 per cent complete.

“To this end, the Chief Medical Officer, Dr Kenneth George, recommended that the school was now safe to be reopened for both students and teachers on Monday, October 19,” Adamson said.

Representatives also heard that there was a “thorough and deep cleaning” in all areas, including its administrative block, classrooms, specialist areas and the pavilion.

“The cleaning was completed on Saturday, October 17, and the school will be totally ventilated on Sunday, October 18, so that when students return on October 19, everything will be in order,” the Acting Chief Education Officer said, as she acknowledged their satisfaction and support for the reopening on Monday.

Adamson however spoke to a major concern which was evoked by the group and took the opportunity issue an appeal. “One of the things that we would want to tell the public of Barbados is that the contact tracing found no further cases and therefore on October 19 we want them to embrace the students of The Ellerslie School.

“The students, teachers and their relatives would have had a traumatic time over the last two weeks. Their return to school should not be made difficult,” she stressed.

It was also noted that the Ministry provided counselling for students, teachers and all other staff during the last two weeks.

“We therefore think it important that school should go back to normal. This episode here at The Ellerslie School is a wakeup call for all of us in Education and throughout Barbados; we must continue to wear our masks; we must continue to practise physical distancing; and we must continue to sanitise.

“The Ministry of Education is very pleased with the outcome here because it proves that our protocols have worked at this school, and if all schools also adhere to the protocols, hopefully we will be able to keep this scourge of COVID-19 at bay within our schools and throughout Barbados.” (BGIS)

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